Monday, September 23, 2013

Dinosaur Quilt (Blanket)

A few months ago, Marita and I went on a bus trip to visit (and shop, of course!) the patchwork shops in the Central Coast NSW area. We both bought some fabrics with dinosaur prints. But, as usual, I didn't buy quite long enough fabrics. So, it took a little while (for me) to work out how I was going to go about making a quilt. Last week, the local patchwork shop had 25% off minky fabrics. I was curious and bought some of the fabrics as the backing for the 'still to be made'  dinosaur quilt for my Sunshine.! It did help to speed things up and the quilt was made, in quick time. I called it blanket because I decided not to put the batting in between the quilt top and the backing as I wanted the blanket to be soft and nice to cuddle up in. My Sunshine insisted that it's his 'Dinosaur Quilt', and so it is now. :-)

I chose the pattern called 'tangles e2e' by Karen Farnsworth for the machine quilting. Having minky fabric as the backing was fine during the quilting. There wasn't any issue with thread tension, etc. However, it did stretch a little along one side and looked 'unattractive' after I finished the binding. Luckily, the fabric recoiled after a wash, the blanket is now looking just fine, even after being dragged around the house several times over.!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

'Clam Shell' Purse

I have seen a few clam shell purses while on the trip to China, a few years ago. They looked lovely and interesting. Seeing that now I could buy a kit to make one, I thought I would try. Here is my version of the clam shell purse. I use it to keep my favourite thimble and a few other small tools for when I'm sewing the binding to the back of the quilt. It's light weight and I really like it.